[ Πήρα τόστ το σαββατόβραδο ]

Ναι οκευ, ο τίτλος είναι απο παράσταση του Σέφερλη, αλλά αν το ξέρατε πρίν σας το πώ, τι λέει αυτό για σας? Χμμ? Και νάι, γυρώντας σπίτι σήμερα πήρα ενα τοστ να χώ να φάω άυριο το πρωί. Στο Super Markeτ η μπροστινή μου στην ουρά έτρωγε Baked Beans (τα οποία είχε μόλις αρπάξει απο ένα ράφι) με ΤΟ ΧΕΡΙ. Υπόθετω πως είχε καταναλώσει αρκετή ποσότητα αλκοόλ.

Σήμερα βγήκα με τους συγκατοίκους μου σε ενα πολύ ωραίο event, Swing & Shout λεγόταν και ήταν ενα 20s themed βράδυ. Παρότι ήταν ωραία, πρίν τις 3 μπύρες το μόνο που έκανα ήταν να παρατηρώ τους άλλους σαν εξωγήινος, ή σαν να είναι αυτοι εξωγήινοι. Πάντως συνειδητοπόιησα ότι πιθανότατα έχω μια υπερδύναμη, αυτή είναι το να βρίσκω ΠΑΝΤΑ θέση/μέρος να κάτσω σε club. Ναι το ξέρω δεν πρόκειται να σταματήσω καμια ληστεία τράπεζας με αυτό αλλά μου κάνει. Οι μπάντες δεν ήταν τίποτα σπουδαίο, η πρώτη κάτι έλεγε.Παραθέτω εδώ ενα κομμάτι τους για να μπείτε στο κλίμα.

Γενικά ήταν ωραάια,γνώρισα κόσμο, φόρεσα φοσφωριζέ βραχιολάκια, πήρα κοπλιμέντα για το μούσι μου (δυστυχώς το κοπλιμέντο προερχόταν απο κάτοχο μουσιου επίσης) μου προσέφεραν Ecstacy (Δε δέχτηκα. Γειά σου μαμά!), το οποίο μου το είπαν στην αρχή MD (το υποκορίστικο του MDMA απ’οτι με πληροφορεί το Google) και δεν καταλάβαινα τι ήταν και πρεπει να φάνηκα τρελο noob, γιατι ρώτησα 2-3 φορες τι να κάνουμε όμως, έτσι μαθαίνει κανείς.
Έπαιξα και L.E.D. Turtle Wushu, ένα πολύ ωραίο παιχνιδακι που χρειάζεται μόνο παίκτες και καπάκια απο μπύρα για να παιχτεί (και L.E.D. λαμπάκια στη προκειμένη περίπτωση) πράγμα που το καθιστά μέλος της λίστας “Παιχνίδια για μετά το τέλος του Πολιτισμού μας”.
Πάντως, η όλη νοσταλγία για τα 20s με έκανε να αναρωτίεμαι, υπήρχε πάντα αυτό? Καταλαβαίνω τη “Νοσταγία των 20 χρόνων πριν” είναι λογικό να νοσταλγούμε τη δεκαετία που μεγαλώσαμε,η γενία μου γουστάρει τα 90s, οι 20άρηδες των 70s γουστάραν τα 50s (American Graffiti, Grease κλπ κλπ). Μήπως η γενιά μου δεν έχει τοσο ξεκάθαρη ταυτότητα όσο π.χ. αυτές των 60s, 70s, και 80s η απλά η ταυτότητα αυτών των γενίων μου φαίνεται πιο ξεκάθαρη επειδή έχει φιλτράριστέι απο το καιρό που πέρασε?

Μεγάλα ερωτήματα που δε νιώθω ικανός αυτή τη στιγμή να αντιμετωπίσω.

Ηλιθιωδώς δεν πήρα την Nikon μαζί, ήμουν μόνο με το έμπιστο iPod, άδραξα την ευκαιρεία να αποδείξω πως δε κάνουν τα ράσα τον παπά, και αποφάσισα να δοκιμάσω τις ικανότητες μου με τα πενιχρά πίξελ που διέθετα. Δεν είμαι ιδιαίτερα ικανοποιημένος, αλλά να τα αποτελέσματα:

Νυστάζω, πολλά έγραψα, ποιός ξέρει τι ώρα θα ξυπνήσω άυριο. Πιθανότατα μεθαύριο.


[ Qui Bono? ]

MORE GAME OF THRONES SPOiLERS AHEAD, avert thine eyes, lest ye be spoiled for all ye remaining days.

I have been thinking about the last episode quite a bit today, continuing as Westeros’ Detective Gumshoe. Something that came across my mind that had completely slipped by unnoticed was Marjorie.
She is smart. That means she must have realised that Joffrey would soon become completely uncontrollable, even by her womanly wiles. Also I suppose she must have had some plans to get rid of the brat, poison seems like her style and she had the opportunity to poison the cup/plate of the victim. Now, I am not 100% clear on how the rules of succession work, but I am assuming that Marj is now the Queen of the seven kingdoms, as in, complete ruler, now that sounds to me like really strong motive.

All this is speculation though, and it doesn’t change much for our beloved Tyrion and the dire situation he seems to have found himself in.
I sure hope Bron continues to train Jamie though.

I guess the Queen could pardon him, since it seems like killing Kings in Westeros is the National sport. Unless I am forgetting something all the killers of Kings are running around free, so I guess the rule goes like this “The King can do whatever he pleases, but if you kill him and are the ,or in the favour of the, next King, you are pretty much home free.

I would be so disappointed if Sansa did it though…. And that fool/former Knight was awfully suspicious before anything serious went down… Hmmm…

I suddenly want Hercules Poirot to appear in the next episode.

” I would like to gazer you all to ze Iron Zrone room, vear upon I vill explain in detail, how ze murder took place.”


[ Warhammer of Joffrey and Shoelaces ]

Lots of stuff got done today!

Initially I was thinking of mentioning every single thing, but that would be quite tedious.
I got my Dark Angels army in the mail today, bought some stuff that I would need to paint it and had left in Greece so now I am quite set for the next few months of painting. I also applied to jobs (well, a job) and registered to the NHS.
Remember when I said I won’t list everything? Yea well, I also bought a shoelace.




I am pretty sure there gonna be a Wedding/Funeral 2-for-1 package in Westeros soon. Seriously, I don’t know what issues Martin has with weddings, or if he is subtly trying to tell his wife that he feels their marriage is killing him, but an invitation to a wedding in Westeros is like finding a horse’s head in your bed after you’ve pissed off the Mafia.

Anyway, the brat is finally dead. It was a satisfying death ,for sure, but it still felt too good for Joffrey.
But it would be hard to have a death karmically deserving in Westeros, granted I have not read the books but I don’t think Anal-Napalm has been introduced yet.

My man Tyrion is in a rough spot though, since he is the prime suspect on what I suppose now will be called “CSI:King’s Landing”. So let’s try and help the little guy by putting on our thinking hats.

The victim died from poisoning. Both pie and wine were consumed shortly before the victim’s death. The thing is, he was not the only one drinking and eating, so it stands to reason that the poison was put in his plate/cup, unless other people were dying all over.

Tyrion had the opportunity but I don’t think he would kill Joffrey like that, plus the guy wanted to leave 30 seconds before.
The Former Knight/Current Fool seemed to know something was going to happen, but I don’t know when he would be able to be near the King’s cup.
The bisexual latino swordsman sure hates the Lanisters, but again, unless he could shoot the poison with a dart from 20 meters, I don’t see how he could have done it.
Sansa… Could she? Would she? I don’t really care.

All of Westeros, except Reek.

Interesting stuff, looking forward to next week.

Also, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is becoming interesting.


[ Snowpiercer ]

Quite a quiet day today. Unlike what tomorrow should be. I will be registering with a GP and sending out CVs.

I saw Snowpiercer today, a South Korean science fiction film. It was quite good, and the production levels were really high.

In the near future, Earth has frozen over and the last remaining survivors are all aboard a train that runs constantly around the globe thanks to a perpetual motion engine.
I enjoyed the grand concept and the action scenes, but the whole thing felt a bit disjointed. Characters came and went, the symbolism, I felt, was quite heavy handed and a bit… simple?
But the whole thing felt very much a passion project, and that thing was carried across, making it an enjoyable experience.

Although one of the main characters is a Korean guy (that really looks like the protagonist from Oldboy) and I only realized that there are English subtitles near the end, so I ended up watching 70% of the movie thinking that “I was not meant to understand him”, turns out “I was just meant to use my head”.

So yea, off to bed early today.



Is a perpetual motion engine something that is 100% completely impossible? Could the universe be one? What do you think 1.3?


[ The Adventures of Garret in Mamucium ]

We visited the open market in the street with no name.
The Theater of Dreams where the Red Devils play.
The Bar that is always in the rain.
The underground Temple in the middle of a street.
The place that teaches us how to harness the power of water and steam.
The village of happiness where we met a friendly rabbit called Big White Heart in a park that statues sit on benches.

See how many of these places you can find. They all exist and are pretty close to the Manchester Center.
Maybe this will help get you in the mood.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I thought of being a hardass and telling you that it’s my site and I’ll do what I want, but I decided against it since my audience is about 1.3 people.


[ Cooking CVs and Star Trek ]

Oh yes, today, food was had.
This is probably the first time I have ever felt like I cooked something. Not warmed, not microwaved, but COOKED. Tore the package of the chicken with my bare hands, removed the RAW FLESH, and then BURNED it till it was tasty.

So yea, thanks to the invaluable advice of Maria, I now now how to transform cold pink stuff into delicious tan coloured stuff.

Food Protses

Food Protses

I also watched an episode of Deep Space 9, with Jayne. It was an episode that guested Vash and Q, I can’t say it was amazing, Q was not much more than a nagging ex, (oh how the mighty have fallen) but it was very enjoyable to get into the Star Trek world again. I missed the hum and buzz and the click-beep-brzzz of all the gadgets and the starship ambience.

All in all good times!


[ Game of HSBC ]

Well, I went to the bank, did some banky stuff but then found out that in order to get an account there will have to prove where I live, I suggested we go back to where I live for dinner but the lady in the bank thought this was a bit too far, so I will now have to find another way to prove it.

I also did some other stuff today but I forgot about most of them because I just saw the Season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones. It is almost a year since I last visited the world of Westeros, save the occasional badgering by my dad to read the books (I know, it’s a world gone upside down), but to be honest I wasn’t particularly impressed by the previous season. This episode though, boy was it good. I had forgotten how nice and complex the characters and their relationships are, so many storylines, so many things to care about.

Spoilers ahead by the way. I’ll just talk about what happened to my three favourite characters.

ARYA: I would have never in my LIFE guessed that Arya would now team up with the hound. I have no idea where that partnership is going, but from what I’ve seen in this episode, I wouldn’t mind having a whole show devoted to this awesome match made in hell. I would love it if the Hound became a bit more… human and Arya a bit more badass in a Hound way. Then maybe they will change the show name to Lone Hound and Pup.

TYRION: Oh the times are a-changing, from whore-mongering carefree smartass playboy to a man with a battlescar, a job he hates and TWO wives, Tyrion my friend, you are in dire straights. Not much of a Tyrion episode this one, just him welcoming a foreign prince of somewhere, he has a bone to pick with the lanisters and he apparently wants to fuck and kill anything with a temperature above 35C.

JAIME: I just feel sorry and good for Jaime at the same time. The guy lost his fighting hand, boo. But then they gave him a cool valyrian steel shortsword to use with his left hand, yey! The guy comes back to his family, yey! His sister/wife is now an alcoholic glorified soccer-mom and their child is a stupid, evil, paranoid, unworthy prick, boo!

So yea, that’s what pretty much happened. There was also some stuff with Daenerys and her continued quest to stumble upon success (Yawn), and Sansa trying to become something more than the human version of a punching bag she currently is.

Also, this song is awesome:
