[ Second Title ]

I usually get about 5-6 spam comments on this blog per day. Most of them are about SEO tips (Search Engine Optimization) and Prada bags. Now this comment by the delightful Mr. Sex I was considering to let it be posted. But since it was posted to a post nearly a year ago I ll just copy/paste it here an maybe other robot posters will read it and learn that a little flattery never hurt anyone.

video sex

Submitted on 2014/09/06 at 01:32
You ought to be a part of a contest for one of the most useful blogs on the net.

See? that wasn’t so bad. Next time our friend Video posts something in this blog, it is getting authorized, ya hear!?

Although , I have to ask, Mr. Sex, what was it you have found so useful in my blog? I mean, sure if you are a 25ish Greek trying to succeed in life by procrastinating, then this blog is for you, but I have read quite a few blogs that were miles and light years more useful than mine.
And it’s not me being modest.

In other news, slowly getting back into the swing of things. Paid my rent, went to ASDA, I seriously think I am developing an addiction to the Southern Fried Chicken sandwich they sell there, I have not read the ingredients but I am willing to bet that besides chicken,southern and friend they add a dash of heroin or something, it is THAT good!

I had a tea with Jana today in our backyard, we did some catching up on the newest addition to our garden, a COUCH. A poor piece of furniture that somebody threw away, now getting a new lease on life and giving us a very comfortable place to sit, admire the purple haze in the sky and ponder about the universe. Will it get moldy during the winter? Who knows? Not I.


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