[ TVnMe ]

There is something about trash TV that I really like.
My social circles usually did not care much for TV. I was often among people proudly claiming ” I do not own a TV ” or having a TV only for their PlayStation.
Even though I had every reason to belong to that group, nothing wrong with that group mind,they probably read way more books than me, I always had a fondness for the ol’ dumb box.

Last night, after a few pints, a couple of my mates and me watched some AUGUST LATE NIGHT GREEK TELEVISION, basically as trashy as you can get.
Nowadays not something I do often, I remembered the days when I used to fall asleep at 7-8 AM, watching Μελέτη or Παπαδάκη semi registering all the news/gossip of the day to come. Good times, or at least, good memories.

What is it about trash TV then?
Is it that it makes me feel smarter and superior, do I just enjoy mocking how silly and commonlowestdenominator-y the whole thing is?
Maybe, I don’t really know what it is I like about trash tv.
I totally get the disgust some of my friends feel for it. I think it would be the same level of disgust that I feel for σκυλάδικα (greek neo-folk-pop songs).
Yet something enjoys it. I guess it could just be my brain going
“*click*Goodnight! Cya tommorow”

Is there something to be salvaged from low quality entertainment?


[ TVnMe ] — 2 Comments

  1. Μου άρεσε περισσότερο αυτό για τον Robin. Ενδιαφέρων ο προβληματισμός για την trush tv
    Μιλούσε και η μπύρα λίγο…
    Η άποψη ότι αφου δεν έχω/βρίσκω το επίπεδο – ποιότητα που θέλω ρίχνω τα στάνταρς μου κατευθείαν στο χαμηλότερο δυνατον επίπεδο μου κάνει κάπως συνειρμό (και ως γνωστον είμαι μανούλα σ αυτα) αφού δεν βρίσκω αυτό που θάθελα πχ στην πολιτική , πάω για το lowest των lower… Ας είμαστε λίγο προσεκτικοί, τα trush δημιουργούν συνήθειες, οπτικές και κατσικώνονται στην αισθητική μας ώσπου να πούμε κίμινο. Και χωρίς να το καταλάβουμε καμμιά φορά..
    Άποψή μου φυσικά.

  2. Well, at least you don’t watch trashy Greek movies. Only an idiot would sit through them, let alone make a web series about th… oh, wait.

    In any case, the charm (or lack thereof) of Greek TV is that it’s something we grew up with, something so colorful and energetic and full of bad taste that it feels comfortable to our eyes. Plus, it never fails us; it always has, and always will be, a complete waste of time!