[ Robin Gone ]

Watching Nightmare on Elm Street now, damn Johnny Depp was young in that movie.

Robin Williams died on monday. I wish I could do an Economist level obituary, but I can’t.
I remember him from childhood movies like Hook but what Robin Williams really did for me is get me interested in stand up comedy.
I probably didn’t even know how watching just one man on a stage telling jokes could be so amazing if it hadn’t been for Robin and his Live at the Met show.
Sure, I soon outgrew his style of humour, moving on to Bill Hicks, George Carlin and Dylan Moran (I still consider these three to be the best when it comes to Stand Up, with Bill being the more “serious” and thought provoking one, Dylan moran being the less political one, and George Carlin sitting happily in the middle.
What I admired most about Robin Williams was his ability to comedically think in what seems to me like light speed. Just check the end of his Actor’s Studio interview. The guy was a master of improv.

Apparently he killed himself.
Depression is something that frightens me, the idea that the mind can turn against itself in such a way scares me beyond words.
I also like to think that humour is a very good defense mechanism (besides just plain good fun) and if a “funny” man of Robin’s level can’t save himself from depression…

Robin was also an avid Video Game fan. He named his daughter Zelda ffs, what a boss (pun not intended).
Weirdly enough, one of the things I will remember most will be his impromptu demo for the game Spore.

I really hate the Rest in Peace saying when it comes to death, feels very religious and lame.
Plus, resting in peace sounds okey for a couple of weeks, but who would want a whole eternity of peace and rest?

As pointless as life is, Robin Williams made a lot of people happy and in the grand scheme of pointlessness, I find that to be one of the most meaningful things that anyone can do.


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