[ Birthday drinks and sketches ]

iPad update so forgive the shortness of length and lack of words. Today I was at my first ever sortof-birthday party outside of Greece. It was Jem’s Birthday and it involved a cosplay/sketching event and afterwards drinks and more drinks. It was good fun and socialising, I still don’t know how I feel about cosplaying, on the one hand it is nice seeing people being passionate about something,on the other hand it is a constant reminder of how fantasies will ALWAYS be better than reality.
I also had a mild political argument on Facebook where at some point somebody exclaimed that ” Objectively things are like this: There is the Capital and the Working Class, you belong in one of these two groups and if you can’t see that you are not educated enough”

How can people be this naive and simple minded is something that I still cAn t wrap my head around.

Random remarks of the day:

Don’t call Brits Europeans.

Nobody knows why they have separate taps for freezing and boiling water.

Irish people CAN’T get drunk.



[ Birthday drinks and sketches ] — 4 Comments

  1. Fantasies aren’t better than reality. At least, not for me. I can’t claim I understand how it works for the rest of humanity.

    The guy was naive, but he and Aris had a point: you couldn’t formulate a political proposition or analysis when they asked you to, and neither could I, for that matter. I’m saying this because I tried but nothing coherent could come out. We’re just children of post-modernity; we criticise left right and centre but have no meaningful proposition, at least for anything outside ourselves (if even that).

  2. I felt that the only answers they were willing to listen to, involved me listing what groups I am part of. Something I absolutely try to avoid, since as soon as I say it, everybody will think they know what I am thinking and feeling about stuff even when I have not actually said anything.

    I have my own opinions on matters (we weren’t discussing a particular matter there, I was just calling out the other guy’s bullshit), most of the time I am very uncertain about how I feel things should be and it is very difficult for me to have an all-encompassing socio-political proposition, and I admit that I am often reduced to apathy just by glimpsing how complicated I see things to be. The thing is I don’t find this stance any more meaningful than a simplistic and misguided “certainty” that guys like him seemed to have.

    Just having an answer is no evidence that you are closer to any truth/reality.

  3. Correction: Don’t call the English European. Scots are Brits too.

    They have separate taps for water because of the way pluming worked when they invented boilers. instead of going through the trouble of upgrading the pluming they just added another tap for hot water and went with it and still do until today. They also like to drive on the wrong side of the road. Britain is a crazy place.

    • I was suspecting some ancient technology being involved, but my astonishment was more about how no Brit could give me a proper answer.

      So British is for the whole island, British for the lower part and Scot for the upper bit?
      We are all European.
      We are all Human.
      We are all Earthlings.
      We are all life forms that take our energy from a ball of nuclear fission that our rock happens to spin around.
      We are.